ChalkRock Ltd

Rory presenting the young geoscientist of the year prize at the Autumn meeting of the South East Regional Group of the Geological Society.
Logging and check-logging HS2 cores for the Chilterns Tunnels and Colne Valley Viaduct

Jan 2016 visiting the underground phosphatic chalk mines at La Malogne with the University of Mons team, Belgium
Part of the Thames Tideway Tunnel team on a study of the Chalk cliffs at Cuckmere Haven in the same Chalk succession that the tunnels will be constructed in
The Warwickshire Geological Trust on a field study to Beachy Head with Rory

Field workshop at Fécamp with EDF for the Fécamp offshore wind farm
Members of the Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris (AGBP) on a lunch break at Samphire Hoe, Dover on the field study organised by Rory
A team from Shell Aberdeen and the Netherlands on a workshop on the Yorkshire coast Chalk at Great Thornwick Bay with Rory
Part of the geology display at the Linklater Pavilion, Lewes (Railwayland Wildlife Trust) prepared and paid for by ChalkRock with Rorys fossils, cores, diagrams and photographs.
Rory gets the Coke Medal from the Geological Society in London

Announcing the publication of Rory's definitive Chalk Handbook - Logging the Chalk - Rory N Mortimore and, due out in July 2014 - Mortimore R.N. The Chalk of the South Downs of Sussex and Hampshire and the North Downs of Kent, Geologists' Association Guide.
Logging offshore wind farm Chalk cores at GEO laboratories Copenhagen

Rory becomes President of the Geologists’ Association in May 2012
Rory on a visit to the Pliocene Forest at Sutton Knoll in May 2012 on the 10th Anniversary of the GeoSuffolk Group and the launch of their book on the Geology of Suffolk.
West Sussex Open University Geology Group visit to Hope Gap in April 2012 inspecting a ‘well’ ! Other recent OUGS field excursions led by Rory include trips to White Nothe Dorset, Winchester Hampshire, Riddlesdown London, Mt Caburn Sussex and the Sussex Coast, see more photographs in our Gallery.

Shell London Lecture Series – 16th March 2011 at the Geological Society A Mole in London: Tunnelling Beneath the City – Rory Mortimore
Rock Watch field trip to Cow Gap, August 2011 Rock Watch

11th Glossop Lecture – 8th December 2010 at Royal Geographical Society Making sense of chalk: A total rock approach in Engineering Geology – Rory Mortimore