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Fact File

For educational purposes we also produce some basic information leaflets such as those below..


Our Core Activity

Our focus is on assisting with ground investigations for major construction projects in chalk from the initial route/site selection through the drilling and core-logging phase to interpreting results from cores and geophysics and following through construction. We prepare reports on each phase. A key part of the activity is the training of teams involved in such projects, especially with core-logging courses and running field courses to support the construction teams.

A further core activity is developing the knowledge base on the chalk and the Cretaceous through research and publication based around the needs of industry and the wider scientific corpus.

Click on Picture to download PDF.



What is chalk?

Chalk forms the classic white cliffs of Dover and the Seven Sisters and is a very pure, white limestone, usually soft but can be hard in places like the Yorkshire Wolds, the Antrim coast of Northern Ireland and in parts of the Isle of Wight and Dorset. The Chalk of the U.K. formed during the Upper Cretaceous period between about 100 and 65 million years ago.

Click on Picture to download PDF.

Click on YouTube link to see Rory talking about the origin of the chalk


Flint is a very hard, splintery rock, usually formed in layers or flint-bands comprising discontinuous nodules. Flint is a very fine-grained siliceous material and is characteristic of the purest white chalks.

Click on Picture to download PDF.

Down borehole (downhole) camera log

This is an example of a downhole optical camera log from the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation beneath London. It shows thin grey interwoven marl seams, thicker marl seams and flint bands including the scattered Lewes Tubular Flints interbedded with grey, burrow-mottled nodular white chalk.

Click on Picture to download PDF.

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