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ChalkRock Ltd is a multidisciplinary research and development consultancy which specialises in the geology, engineering geology and hydrogeology of the Chalk.

The company has evolved from more than 30 years of research and professional practice on the Chalk and related rocks by the Managing Director, Professor Rory Mortimore.

Activities include tunnels under London (Crossrail with GCG, Thames Tunnels for Thames Water), offshore wind farms in the North Sea, the Chalk aquifer for water supply (Environment Agency and Southern Water) and Chalk reservoirs in the North Sea with Shell (Aberdeen).

We regularly run field and core logging courses both for professionals and amateurs and have produced the definitive Chalk handbook :-

Logging the Chalk - Rory N Mortimore

Rory Mortimore
Managing Director 

Graduated in geology from the University of Hull and subsequently gained a PhD combining Geology and Civil Engineering. He had experience as a survey geologist in Iran and Antarctica before joining the then Brighton Polytechnic to become a specialist Cretaceous and Chalk geologist and engineering geologist. This included a spell of two years with the former East Sussex County Engineers Site Investigation Unit working on a diverse range of projects from waste disposal to road bridge foundations and numerous landslides. He has then spent 33 years at the University of Brighton researching Chalk and developing Geology, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology at the University, initiating the first new Geology Degree in the UK in the 21st Century.

Diana Mortimore
Company Secretary 

Graduated in mathematics from the University of Sussex. Having worked for Burrough’s Computers in New Zealand she returned to the U.K. to work for CLOTHKITS as stock controller and computer support, where she was also responsible for setting up franchises for CLOTHKITS in the USA and Europe. She has recently been accounts manager for another family company, NOOLIBIRD. Diana has specialist knowledge of SAGE and many other computer packages related to our work and makes sure our accounts are 100% perfect!

Tom Mortimore

Has developed a specialist interest in internet trading which the company is hoping to develop with field guides and DVDs. Tom is our vital physical support in the field and on core logging. He is also our field co-ordinator.

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